Saturday, November 1, 2008

The difference between two weeks.

Boy the weather sure can change between weeks. About a week ago, the weather was great for commuting. It was a bit cold on a couple of days, but not that bad. I was able to ride at least 3 days that week. Fast forward to this week. The weather was just above freezing every morning. Riding in weather like that, then having to work all day really isn't my idea of fun. It usually takes me sometime to warm up after getting to work and I usually have a chill most of the day. I didn't commute at all this past week because of the cold weather. I'm hoping that the weather is a bit warmer in the mornings this upcoming week. I guess I really just need to quit wimping out and commute as long as it's not foggy or raining. I've already paid for the bike by the amount of gas I've saved by riding to & from work. It's nice not having to fill the tank up as often too.

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